Do Justice Love Mercy Walk Humbly
What does the Lord require of you but to:

      Do Justice

     Love Mercy

     Walk humbly with your God.

Do JusticeLove MercyWalk humbly
The pasage says to DO justice
   that is - something needs to be done
   passively  thinking about it
   feeling powerless and wishing we could do something
       are all inadequate.
When I consider those who lived during WWII
I ask "Who in Germany resisted the Nazies?"
May and they paid a price.

What if  hundreds, or thousands or millions had have said no?
exactly - the evil, the atrosities would never have hapenned.

My aunt was my rescuer
she didn't always suceed  by she tried
she was always there until the day she died.
She did justice for me.

Justice is important to the Lord.

He hates corruption or faviouritism towards the rich. (see Proverbs. see James)

for men who have survived csa, justice is a huge issue.

the injustice many of us have experienced when:

the School or Church or institution made excuses, or discredited us.

when the Police didn't lay charges against the accused abuser, or the Court

gave little or no custodial sentence.

God is just"

  • "vengance is mine"  says the Lord
  • the wages of sin is death.
  • God judges sin - particularly those who abuse or exploit others.
Justice is a key theme in the Proverbs.

research being undertaken

Love Mercy

be mercuifull,



Mercy is more than forgiving. It's lending a helping hand to the undesirving.

"Blessed are the merciful"

more research being undertaken
Walk in humility before the Lord.

God resists the proud

strength in humility

God resists the proud
He hates pride, arrogance.

Australia's Preamble to our Constitution says
".... humbly relying upon the blessing of almighty God."

a sense of gratitude

trusting in the Lord God to provide.

Matthew Chapter 6 verse 33  ( my favourite verse)
"Seek first the Kingdom of God
and His righteousness
and all these things will be added to you"

more comming later